3 minHow to Punt a FootballHOW TO PUNT A FOOTBALL PART 5: LEG SWING & FOLLOW THROUGHYour leg swing will begin as you take your second punting step. Your body should be square and pointed down field towards your target.
3 minHow to Punt a FootballHOW TO PUNT A FOOTBALL PART 3: TAKING YOUR PUNTING STEPSYour First Punting Step Should be Short and Effortless. he weight placement of your upper body slightly leaning forward should allow you to
2 minHow to Punt a FootballHOW TO PUNT A FOOTBALL PART 2: TIMING OF OPERATION FROM SNAP TO PUNTThe Timing of the Entire Operation of the Punt is the Timing from the Snap to the Catch to the Punt, and it should take 2.2 seconds.
4 minHow to Punt a FootballHOW TO PUNT A FOOTBALL PART 1: PUNTING STANCESo you want to learn how to punt a footballl but you don't know where to start? Look no further! The first step in accurately, consistently,